Tentative Rules for Developers


  1. First analyze the problem, then design the code (data and algorithm structures), prepare test suite. Last, write the code.
  2. Make everything as simple as possible.
  3. Do your best to prepare a readable document.


  1. First of all, please write explicitly what you would like to implement in doc! Describe your idea using formulas and/or words. Then translate them into algorithms and data structure. Please do write what objects/types/variables you will define and their corresponding public and private functions (including detailed descriptions of the input and output arguments). It would be better if you could write down the framework of your implementation using figures. Please also write down the limitations or risks of your code, for instance, does it stable or have some numerical error? If yes, how to prevent or how to know if the results are reasonable?

    In this stage, you may refer to some rules in object-oriented programming (OOP). For instance, when you define a module/class etc.:

    1. it should be open for extension but closed for modification (Open Closed Principle, OCP),
    2. subclasses should be substitutable for their base classes (Liskov Substitution Principle, LSP),
    3. depend upon abstractions, do not depend upon concretions (Dependency Inversion Principle, DIP),
    4. many client specific interfaces are better than one general purpose interface (Interface Segregation Principle, ISP),
    5. In other words: low coupling, high cohesion, open for extension, and closed for changes (from “Developing Chemical Information Systems: An Object-Oriented Approach Using Enterprise Java”, Fan Li).
  2. Write the codes. During this stage, we would be happy if you could:

    1. write comments (in english, one line for each 10-20 line of codes at least),
    2. try to use descriptive names for your classes and methods,
    3. do your best to avoid global variables,
    4. try to re-use code and try to use libraries,
  3. This is very important, and should be considered and implemented during the aforementioned two steps:

    Always provide a test suite for each function/subroutine/module etc., unless you are 100% sure what you did is right. Integration testing will also be required in some cases.